Preaching Precedes the End Times

Is there a difference between TEACHING and PREACHING? Over the years, there has been a fusing of different presentations. Preaching, which was once the spear point of truth, has been replaced by the Teaching ministry. Years ago, people filled the church with anticipation that God was going to speak. When God manifested His Word through His anointed servant, people knew they were experiencing a very special moment. Preaching is “heralding divine truth” under the anointing. People were affected by the word they received. Teaching is to “disciple and instruct” from the Word. In Teaching, there is an indirect sharing of the Word. Preaching is “thus saith the Lord,” while Teaching opens the door to editorializing the Gospel. Christians are demanding accountability from the pulpit, (more commonly called the stage.) Instead of offering a group of messages in series form, we need to hear what God wants to say to us now, not wait until we hear the conclusion of a five-part message.

During the days preceding the Teaching,, the teacher searches the Scriptures in personal study. He then instructs and leads his followers with the truth that he has discovered. The Teaching ministry is more of an interpretive undertaking. Take for example the book of Revelation. There are more differences than similarities when it comes to sharing the interpretation of the verses. People are confused as to what is Truth. Christians have mixed opinions as to the Second Coming of Jesus. Teachings abound with speculations as to when the Church will be “raptured,” if, in fact, that is what the Scriptures teach. If there is ever a time that we need to hear from God, it is now!

Teaching is vital to the lives of Christians, but there must always be a time when God speaks directly to His people through His anointed leaders. There are sincere Pastors and Teachers but not all are called and chosen by God to be His voice. There are many great teachers of the Word that have affected the lives of people. (There are also “servants” that are wolves in sheep’s clothing, but that is another subject.) I thank God for those who have voluntarily entered the ministry due to their love of the Lord, but they are no substitute for the anointed messengers that speak God’s Word with authority and power.

Jesus began His ministry by Preaching repentance and that the Gospel of Heaven was at hand. (Matthew 4:17) He then commanded His Disciples to Preach the same message to the “house of Israel.” (Matthew 10:7) He told them to take His Teachings and Preach it from the “housetops.” (Matthew 10:27) Jesus told a group of people that the Gospel was Preached unto the poor. (Matthew 11:5) ONE OF THE SIGNS OF THE END TIME IS THAT THE GOSPEL SHALL HAVE BEEN PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD. (Matthew 24:16) The more Preaching is pushed to the side, the greater the delay of the revealing of the last days! Jesus combined Preaching and Teaching. He would Preach God’s Word as well as Teach the application of the Truth.

I believe that our churches need to return to the pulpit and Preach repentance and the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Search Mark, Luke, and John for related Scriptures on Preaching and Teaching)